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Our Philosophy
Little Apple Tree is a small, family owned, centre set in the beautiful Bonogin Valley.
We focus on providing a warm and nurturing child-centred environment for our children to grow and develop.
With a natural bush playground designed for exploration and learning through nature play the natural curiosity of our children is supported, enhancing their learning and wellbeing.
Our practice is underpinned by wellbeing science and Montessori educational philosophy. This ensures that our focus is strengths based, utilising each child’s interests to engage them and provide a variety of learning pathways. Our practices promote self-regulation, independence, and autonomy; skills which prepare our children for a lifetime of successful learning.
We offer the Queensland Free Kindy program, which provides 15 hours of free Kindy to all Queensland children in the year before they are due to commence school.
Our team of committed, long term Educators, provide consistency for our children and build strong relationships with children and their families.